Friday, December 13, 2013

Jordania, it's your Bday...

24? Realllllly? I think I'm 24. No, wait....that's weird. I was just chatting with one of my best friends last night and I told her how old my sis was gonna be today...and we had to stop a second and remind ourselves how old WE are and that WE feel like we're just turining 24. Granted, we're only 3 years 11 months apart but hey.

It's blowing my mind hole that you're 24 yo. I still recall sittin on that bench when you were sucha little chicken finger (she used to hate that we called her that) and I taught you how to say ''barbie''. Why barbie that particular day I have no clue. Oh and how we used to torture you with giant black bat balloons...oh and the time we (and by WE I mean ME) stuck that vaccum on your head and sucked a big chuck on your hair out that took months to grow back.....oh and when I stepped on your foot with my heel or when we wrestled and my huge gapped tooth gave you a scar on your melon......remember those????????????

Wow, glad no one called CPS on your sis. Anywho...I made you these hilarious photos. Enjoy. Happy Birthday. Party like I was there with you. You know what I'm gonna say.....G STATUS. Scream at a car tonight on the way to SF. x0x0x0x0xx00xx00000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I know you'll have a proper BDAY brew. I'll have one for you just in case. X0

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