Thursday, January 30, 2014

The 6 month paradox

After indulging in my usual dose of my fav blogs this morning (and by morning I mean noon...after I woke up late) Across The Pond and Happy Yolks I realized something. There IS a 6 month timeframe from when you move to a new place, until that place starts to feel like home. It doesn't mean that you miss home less necessarily...but your mind is able to take a break and take in all that your current state has to offer. I am very thankful for this experience. I can tell it's shaping me.

Seriously...this girl Megan from Across The Pond blog is frickin hysterical. She literally is my sense of humor/sarcastic twin. Her convos she has with her Irish husband just kill me. Which now that I live here I find even funnier (yes, it's a word) since I am constantly like ''whhaaaattt?????'' at work and around London. It's not that I don't understand what they're saying just takes my mind a minute to fiddle through the accent and lower tone. Those who know me know I can be a bit loud at times anyways and when someone is speaking to me in 1) an accent 2) lower tone......I go a bit deaf.

Anyone see Lorde's Grammy performance? I keep watching it over and over. Oh, and Queen B's also. That woman blows my mind. Like I always tell my sis...if I could be anyone for a day, I'd be Beyonce during a performance. Let my inner diva shine.

I'll post it just in case:

Now that's enough wasting time. I have a paper due at midnight. Frick...apparently I thought this was a good idea.
xoxoxxxxxx Rynny
What was your proper brew today? Tea? Coffee? Something stronger perhaps? 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Busy bee

Holy smokes artichokes. This term is gettin buuusssyyyy. In the hopes of completing this program in 12 months instead of the typical 14, I have gone through the arduous journey of getting approval for taking 3 classes for this term and next. Now whyyy I needed approval for something I am paying for myself is a question in and of itself. Let's just say....someone will be getting a strongly worded letter upon my completion. 

However I was thrilllled to have recieved a response from a WONDERful internship opportunity. I put Wonder in caps because it's called the WONDER foundation. I know, so clever. So prayers requested for a successful interview that leads to an internship! (I owe my flatmate for the recommendation!) 

I know I haven't reviewed any London spots lately. To be honest I haven't really tried any place new in a while. After this craycray term comes to a close I shall resume my post. A few of us are hoping to hop a cheapy flight on down to the magical world of camels, flying carpets and spice markets that is known as Morocco. I can't quite express the full extent of my overwhelming excitment of this thought...considering ever since I watched the Anthony Bourdain episode of Morocco it's been a top the "gotta go" charts. It's allllll about findin those deals folks. Which I must give myself a pat on the back.......I am the BOMB at finding deals. Especially travel deals. Anyone who knows me can attest. 

Check out my proper brew today...(and many other days....@chinalife....yet again. That's because this place is the sh**). 

Don't judge. Oh....check out my ridiculous/rockin Lil Wayne inspired skull candy. 

Heart and stars...

Xoxo Rynny

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Two down, three to go...I hope.

Well, my holiday time has come to an end. I've had (and still have) some amaze friends come visit me. It's probably just the fact I live in London that people want to visit. Ya know what....I'll take it. 

Done a looooot of stuff, spent too much $, ate too much but had an incredible time. School starts tomorrow...yeah. I'm not looking forward/looking forward to it. Only 3 more terms to go (God willing) and warm climate....heeeeeere I come. I've decided....I'm not a cold/rainy kinda gal. Sure when it's 110 degrees in Fresno and hasn't rained in like a year and I'm dying from allergies and asthma I want rain and cold. Let's try and find a happy medium yes? Awesome. 

Wish me luck in term numero tres. X's and O's, hearts and stars. 

Proper brew today= Apple, spinach, kale, cucumber, ginger and lemon juice. 


Dear Tate Modern Art Museum,
    This is not art. Please remove at earliest convenience for actual talent.

Many thanks,

Concerned artist


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Photo edition

I realized something whilst in Paris. I was so concerned about capturing every landmark and every little detail that I now have a ca-gillion photos on my phone. Which made me think...I probably missed out on some in-the-moment moments if you will with my trigger happy photo finger. 

It's a fine line I think between capturing moment and staying in the now in order to really take it all in. I think next time I will  purposely leave my camera aside and use my mental camera. Click. 

Having said that...Paris was quite enchanting. Yes, a lot of tourists. Yes, VERY expensive (we're talkin 5-7€ for a damn cappucino). I know right?! It's coffee and foam for cryin out loud. Ate a loot of bread and a good handful of Lauderde Macaroons (duh). I think most of us gals have always kinda wanted to see Paris. I cam see now why it's called the city of love. Peoplewere practically making love in parks for cryin out loud. Get a room. But I digress...

Unreal arcitecture and history. Actually stepping foot in Notre Dame and smelling it...I felt like the history was in it's smell. I looked for Mr. Hunchback...he was probably up in his tower. 

The louvre was huge. HUGE. (That's what she said) Like I think I want to return so I can finish it. I didn't even get to see everything. I'd bet it'd take someone a good 3 solid Louvre dedicated days to take it all in. We were both a bit sick the whole time...sinus infections which was such a joy. However I know I speak for both of us that we felt/feel incredibly blessed to have seen this amazing city. 

Onto the next one...

Happy New Year everyone! 

Have a proper brew today...and if it happens to be a greatful it isn't costing you $10. 


Thursday, January 2, 2014

City of lights...

Just a quick lil posty post. We made it to France! Paris to be exact. All I can say so far is it is so enchanting. What a dream. We have so much to see in these last few days and so many cappucinos to enjoy. Hopefully Champagne region will be an option and of course....Versailles. 

If you get the option at any point....GO. 

Bon Soir!


Proper brew = cafe au lait