Thursday, October 2, 2014

Blogger fail

Yikes. How long has it been since my last post.....let's see......too long. For whatever reason since I've been home I haven't felt compelled to write anything. Mostly because nothing tooooo exciting is goin down at present. But let's stay positive Keryn. Okay. 

I have been able to spend a lot of time with the fam which has been....wait for it......really nice. No, seriously I dig my fam. It's funny...they've all said "yeah, I don't really feel like you were gone that long. Feels like it was a month..." I'm not sure if that's like....good? I know it felt like a ga-gillion years for me considering I was by myself (well, along with 10million other Londoners). Geez, is this like a down-er post? No, no I refuse it to be. Moving forward...

I have yet to land my dream job but noooo worries. I know God is giving me a lesson in patience. I accept said challege and embrace my free time and freedom (which I know will be far and few between when I do start a full schedule). Having said that, has anyone else found it difficult to kill time when in job limbo? That's kind of a silly question I realize. I think it's imperative to keep yourself as busy as possible. There is always a charity that needs assistance and countless volunteer opportunities if one is willing and able. I have found a number of them which has been a huge blessing. Keep active and make daily lists of to-dos. Even if there's not much to fill the list, make one anyways. I'm a huge list person. I get a strange satisfaction checking something off a list. Plus I have a pretty serious obsession with post-its. As many of my friends and former co-workers are well aware of. 

Switching gears....

I am sooo stoked that fall is HERE. The nights are getting cooler, leaves are turning those golden shades and pumpkin patches are poppin up on every corner. Good things. Something rather excting is in the works....a side project if you will. A cooking/outdoor youtube channel will be coming to you very soon. All I shall say now is wait for the announcement of #thesteamingpot brought to you by yours truly, the Nicholson siblings. 

Till then, here are a few snipets or snapshots of goings on lately. Stay well my friends and I will do my utmost to not let so much time pass between our meetings. 

Much love,

Rynny xxx

What was your proper brew today? I'm jammin on some french press right now. It does a body good.

P.s. Check out Feed Our Future. It's a new non-profit I am starting to work with. Wonderful group of ladies and they're addressing a need that sometimes flies under the radar in this town. 

Ok, so apparently I'm not done talking. Just a little FYI, these photos are all sorts of random. There's not exactly a theme here, exept for randomness. I know, blogger fail. I never said I was good at this. Enjoy! 

Climbing selfie? Don't try it. 

Yes, this is a snapshot of an IG. Good times and good friends. It had been way too long. 

I house sat for a dear friend. This gorgeous gem was y roomie for a few days and it was glorious. Mr. Lincoln.

Pops thoroughly enjoying his first South Indian flavour experience. Wait........I just spelled it flavour. Look what you did England. I'm spelling things all weird. 

Yet another house sitting sitch. I spent all my time in this kitchen. It just proves that I am never as happy as when I am in a kitchen. I feel weird calling myself a "foodie". I mean, everyone is a foodie nowadays. Culinary enthusiast? 

A mini strawberry meringue. That was fun to make.   

This girl. 

Makes a collect call a little more fancy I suppose. 

And as the finale....Momo's surprise 90th birthday extravaganza! Sorry I cut out a lot of people in this photo as it wouldn't fit in an IG. Plus, I was selfish and wanted myself in it. It was Momo's first surprise party and well, she glowed. 


  1. Hoping that you will land that dream job soon.

    1. Thank you so much Elaine. As do I:) Have a wonderful day in whatever glorious part of the globe you're trotting today. xxxx
