Sunday, February 16, 2014

Signs of Spring

Well, how do I say this without getting too disgusting?..........Let's just say I've had the worrrrrst stomach issues within the last week (actually few weeks) EVER. I blame these new English bugs and my delicate American gut (ha).

So now that I am probably 14lbs lighter after 4 days, missed 2 classes and literally stayed in bed the entire time...I needed to go for a walk. Luckily, Sundays have some cute lil Farmers Markets, and ya'll know how I feel about those. Oh right and the most important's SUNNY today. You heard me. Mr. Golden Sun has shown his bright face and my poor Vit D deficient skin soaked that shit up. Soaked it up reaaaal nice. Oh and there's signs of tulips blooming everywhere. Sooooo much happiness.

I officially signed up and paid the very small yearly fee to become a WWOOFer. don't know what WWOOFing is? Well my's all good I didn't either until like a month ago.
Short and sweet Check out WWOOFing here

1) You pick a country
2) You apply, pay small yearly membership fee
3) You pick a (organic) farm
4) You GO
5) You work 4-6hrs per day on the farm...many differnet duties...varies
6) You get FREE housing and FREE food in exchange

BOOM. Tell me that's not right up my hippy alley? I know right. Not only that but it's actually gonna be great research/info for my thesis, which is gonna be on permaculture/biointensive farming. God is good ya'll. I can't wait.

I got my internship AND I got a volunteer position with Parkinsons UK and I'll be heling the team set up, organize, answer phones, recieve art entries (u name it) for the Mervyn Peake Awards ceremony held in July. Again, total blessing of an experience. (Hopefully not bad on that ol' resume. Ja'll feel?)

I had a hot apple cider at the farmers market this morning. Proper brew for my almost functioning tumtum.


These are all photos (clearly) from instagram that I just thought were to doggon cute. Photo cred to: #theironyou & #seemusibrien (# = pound) 

Basically I figured out how to take a snapshot on this iphone contraption. #imissmyolddumbphonebutthisonetellsmewheretogo

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