Sunday, January 12, 2014

Two down, three to go...I hope.

Well, my holiday time has come to an end. I've had (and still have) some amaze friends come visit me. It's probably just the fact I live in London that people want to visit. Ya know what....I'll take it. 

Done a looooot of stuff, spent too much $, ate too much but had an incredible time. School starts tomorrow...yeah. I'm not looking forward/looking forward to it. Only 3 more terms to go (God willing) and warm climate....heeeeeere I come. I've decided....I'm not a cold/rainy kinda gal. Sure when it's 110 degrees in Fresno and hasn't rained in like a year and I'm dying from allergies and asthma I want rain and cold. Let's try and find a happy medium yes? Awesome. 

Wish me luck in term numero tres. X's and O's, hearts and stars. 

Proper brew today= Apple, spinach, kale, cucumber, ginger and lemon juice. 


Dear Tate Modern Art Museum,
    This is not art. Please remove at earliest convenience for actual talent.

Many thanks,

Concerned artist


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