Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Busy bee

Holy smokes artichokes. This term is gettin buuusssyyyy. In the hopes of completing this program in 12 months instead of the typical 14, I have gone through the arduous journey of getting approval for taking 3 classes for this term and next. Now whyyy I needed approval for something I am paying for myself is a question in and of itself. Let's just say....someone will be getting a strongly worded letter upon my completion. 

However I was thrilllled to have recieved a response from a WONDERful internship opportunity. I put Wonder in caps because it's called the WONDER foundation. I know, so clever. So prayers requested for a successful interview that leads to an internship! (I owe my flatmate for the recommendation!) 

I know I haven't reviewed any London spots lately. To be honest I haven't really tried any place new in a while. After this craycray term comes to a close I shall resume my post. A few of us are hoping to hop a cheapy flight on down to the magical world of camels, flying carpets and spice markets that is known as Morocco. I can't quite express the full extent of my overwhelming excitment of this thought...considering ever since I watched the Anthony Bourdain episode of Morocco it's been a top the "gotta go" charts. It's allllll about findin those deals folks. Which I must give myself a pat on the back.......I am the BOMB at finding deals. Especially travel deals. Anyone who knows me can attest. 

Check out my proper brew today...(and many other days....@chinalife....yet again. That's because this place is the sh**). 

Don't judge. Oh....check out my ridiculous/rockin Lil Wayne inspired skull candy. 

Heart and stars...

Xoxo Rynny

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