Thursday, January 30, 2014

The 6 month paradox

After indulging in my usual dose of my fav blogs this morning (and by morning I mean noon...after I woke up late) Across The Pond and Happy Yolks I realized something. There IS a 6 month timeframe from when you move to a new place, until that place starts to feel like home. It doesn't mean that you miss home less necessarily...but your mind is able to take a break and take in all that your current state has to offer. I am very thankful for this experience. I can tell it's shaping me.

Seriously...this girl Megan from Across The Pond blog is frickin hysterical. She literally is my sense of humor/sarcastic twin. Her convos she has with her Irish husband just kill me. Which now that I live here I find even funnier (yes, it's a word) since I am constantly like ''whhaaaattt?????'' at work and around London. It's not that I don't understand what they're saying just takes my mind a minute to fiddle through the accent and lower tone. Those who know me know I can be a bit loud at times anyways and when someone is speaking to me in 1) an accent 2) lower tone......I go a bit deaf.

Anyone see Lorde's Grammy performance? I keep watching it over and over. Oh, and Queen B's also. That woman blows my mind. Like I always tell my sis...if I could be anyone for a day, I'd be Beyonce during a performance. Let my inner diva shine.

I'll post it just in case:

Now that's enough wasting time. I have a paper due at midnight. Frick...apparently I thought this was a good idea.
xoxoxxxxxx Rynny
What was your proper brew today? Tea? Coffee? Something stronger perhaps? 

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