Sunday, August 3, 2014

Oh, hey's me again

This is a weird post. Sorry to my loyal readers (pshhhh ha) for my month long absence. Yet again, I have made the long journey back across the pond to the great US of A. I seem to always be heading over to the right side of the atlas. My homecoming was what I thought it would be. It was long, happy, sad, confusing and HOT. I mean...I know it sounds weird. I have lived in California for like 10 years...yet I was NOT used to heat right away. I'm still not. Not that I ever loooooved 107degree heat anyways...but I landed and was like...ummmmmmm, can you keep that gate open please...I might want to re-board.
Had my favorite home cooked meal (which is my mom's linguine and clams....that is like....out of this world craycray ridick good), drove a car again (which made me feel oddly powerful), gave my babies big hugs and kisses to which they immediately squirmed and meowed to get down and was finally re-united with my other half. I came home and friends had gotten married, had babies, got divorced, having more babies, etc. Things inevitably change when you're away. It's funny how you leave and have all these experiences and selfishly expect home to stay exactly the same. Ce la via oui?
I have surprisingly kept busy since I've returned and until my next move is made apparent to me, I am training for my first triathlon (no, I haven't picked one out yet) since a year of eating all that food y'all have seen on this blog rudely decided to come along for the ride and stay with me positioned right on my ass (and other inconvenient places I never knew were possible). So, needless to say...."Operation Shrink A Booty" is in FULL swing. I've been taking spin classes 3-4 days per week and kickboxing with my pops. Good things. Good things. I was invited to give a "Wellness at Work" talk at a really cool marketing company (which I was paid for......yeah......pretty rad) and I swear......I felt like such a grown up. It made me feel like a straight up #GIRLBOSS (refer to photo below).
I have NO clue what my future holds at this point. I literally have no idea where I am going end up. Could be any state or country. Yet I love that. I know that God has a plan for me and even though it scares me at least once a day....I remind myself that He will guide me, because I am asking Him to.
Thank you to all my readers who followed my London journey. I am so grateful to be back at home with my family and close friends. I love my country and can also say that I view it in a different way every time I come back home after being abroad. Some things good, some things bad. I feel able to make a significant contribution to conversations now that I couldn't before. I see how parts of the world view the US and I can understand their viewpoint more and more. Certain things are pretty eye opening to say the least. It's not that I love the US less, I just am more aware of things every time.  
This blogging thing is funny. I am so grateful for the blogs that I follow. I have learned so much from you ladies and many of my choices spurred from your trailblazing guidance.
Till then, have a proper brew. Mine right now is hot mate with milk and honey. Friggin
It's gonna be harder to stay proper here...but I'll do my best ;)
(bwah haha)
I know. #ifeltlikesuchabiggirl

San Fran trippy with the pops, sis, aunty and coolest. cousin. ever. in. life. 
The good ol' red, white and blue.

Golden Gate Park, SF

Notre Dame, Paris? I wish.

Oh and if anyone in London is reading this and you feel like indulging my addiction to these jelly snakes .........PM me and I swear I will owe you. Like a massive favor. (or favour if you're in the UK). You can find them at Sainsbury's in the candy aisle. Oh, and the Propercorn (red bag) Firey Worchester Sun Dried Tomato flavor popcorn. They don't have these things here, and it makes me sad daily. Many thanks.

Baby #2

A delectable summer farmers market peach treat with hand whipped cream. Ah, peach season.